Young girl wearing a Boho Bandeau
When we first created our Boho Bandeaus, we had no idea the power they would hold! We have heard from everyone from athletes to nurses to those battling cancer. Our latest story comes from an adorable little girl whose cozy and fun Boho Bandeau helps her live a little bit happier!
Young girl wearing a Boho Bandeau
Comment: Love your BOHO BANDEAUS!! They are amazing products that have been a lifesaver for my daughter. My 6 (now 7) year old had emergency brain surgery 3 months ago. She is doing amazing now… but the doctors still do not agree, so it is possible that she may have another surgery in her future. She has an amazing spirit and a beautiful infectious smile... she truly did not care that she was half bald. Her friends brought her fedora's (which she rocked) and headbands (which did not cover much). She felt most comfortable in your products!!
Customer review of the Boho Bandeau Customer review of the Boho Bandeau 
These are reviews from some of of our amazing customers! We are SO happy to make someone’s life just a little better through the treasures we make. We always strive to help people Give and Live Happy!! ❤️