Kindness Matters

Random Acts of Kindness Day is February 17th! To celebrate, we gave back to our community by surprising strangers with Natural Life treasures. We believe it's the little things that mean the most, that kindness really does matter, you should always be yourself, do what you love, and try to make the world a better place! We have so many treasures that are perfect for spreading kindness to yourself and others.

Kindness matters! In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day, we packed up 50 bags full of Natural Life Treasures and a $20 bill and handed them out to people around our community. It was so much fun! Watch their reactions!

In a world where you can be anything, be KIND! We believe that kindness matters so much that we created a whole collection of products with kindness sentiments on them!


Go to (graphic-tees-sweatshirts subpage)

"I think kindness is something with love in it, something that everyone treasures. Kindness is giving and not always getting things back! It is also not just giving to your family... it is giving to anybody in the world Be kind anywhere you are or any time it is. Not bullying or saying 'I gave you that... now you have to give me something in return!' You should always bring kindness in the world... in your life. Kindness is magical, and to me it is the best thing in the world! Be kind and dream on!" - A sweet 10-year-old girl we were inspired by!

We We hope to inspire you to get out in your community and spread kindness! Here are a few fun Random Acts of Kindness Ideas:1. Post positive notes around your community!2. Pay for the person behind you in a drive-thru line!3. Bake treats and deliver them to your local fire station!4. Pick up trash at your local beach or park!5. Bake cookies for your neighbor!6. Let someone go ahead of you while you're waiting in line!7. Use sidewalk chalk to write inspiring messages on sidewalks!8. Give a compliment to as many people as you can!9. Make homemade dog treats and deliver them to an animal shelter!10. Volunteer!11. Smile at EVERYONE you come across!12. Put together bags of Natural Life Happy & deliver them to random people in your community, just because!
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a listening ear, a compliment, or a small act of caring, all that could turn a life around." -Leo F. Buscaglia
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