You cannot get through a single day without having an impact on the world around you, whether it is big or small. What you do makes a difference... and at the end of each day you should ask yourself what kind of difference you made that day and what kind of difference you want to try to make tomorrow!
We don’t have that kind of Brand Ambassador Program…
but we LOVE to share stories and send Natural Life treasures to girls & women who are making the world a better place in their local communities! Nothing inspires us more than hearing stories about kindness, giving, helping, caring & doing. We’ll share some of the incredible stories we receive in hopes that they inspire others to think about how they can make a difference too!
Making a Difference: Allison’s Story
Allison's story was submitted by her sister-in-law and we loved her story so much we wanted to share it and send her a big box of Natural Life Happy! Enjoy reading her story below!

"I would like to nominate my sister-in-law, Allison Rooney. She suffers with MS and she is a special needs teacher who always thinks of her students first! She is an amazing person who loves your products!"
Lori Rooney
More from Allison...
"I'm a special education teacher- I've been teaching for 22 years. I have an amazing group of students who are such hard working young men & women! People may think I'm making a difference, but my students are the true individuals making a difference in my life as well as those that meet them. I have many academic peer coaches who take my class and volunteer with our students. Their lives are continually impacted by my students and I hope to help foster friendships as well as experiences that will last them all a lifetime.
My goal for my students is to build as much independence in each individual. I also feel like my greatest job is to advocate for these young men & women. I was blessed to grow up with a sister who had significant disabilities. Her name was Carrie & she taught me so many things- one of which was to be thankful for the gifts I have. She was my greatest inspiration for pursuing this career."

There are so many amazing women in the world making a difference.
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