Boho Mattreess Ticking Pillows
The craziest thing just happened! We recently started playing with mattress ticking (there's something about those stripes that we just love!) to make some cute mixed media pillows to add to our Boho Pillow Collection. They turned out great and we all love them - check them out in the photo below, and scroll down to learn the "crazy thing"! Boho Mattreess Ticking Pillows
Over the Fourth of July holiday weekend while visiting my parents in Kansas City, I stumbled upon this old article from 1966! It's a story about my mom (women were rarely in the news then) making crafts out of MATTRESS TICKING FABRIC!! I had never seen this old article my mom had mounted and saved. :) And the little girl in the photo is ME! I guess it's true when they say that what goes around comes around - or is it, everything old is new again?? "Mimi And Her Mattress Ticking," Tampa Tribune, July 24, 1966
"Mimi And Her Mattress Ticking," Tampa Tribune, July 24, 1966