It's National Puppy Day! If you follow us, you know two things about the Natural Life family: We love to eat (dessert) and we're obsessed with dogs!! We're so thankful that we're able to be with the ones we love most... in the place we spend the most time. Meet our favorite furry friends below!

Mom: Jamie, Customer Experience Team Member Breed: Beagle Age: He’s 13ish going on 3…still acts like a puppy! Basic Info: He’s a rescue pup from Tallahassee, his original name was Bowden (it is now his middle name) a homage to the great FSU coach Bobby Bowden... GO NOLES! He loves to cuddle and sleeps under the covers. Favorite Things to Do: Howl and go on walks! Most Memorable Adventure: When he escaped from the backyard and ended up at the block party at Stan’s Sandwiches and got to eat free sammies with new friends. This is coincidentally his mom’s least favorite adventure.

Mom: Carolyn, Brand Communication Specialist Breed: Black Lab (the markings are a rare genetic mutation) Age: 14 months Info: He's a guide dog in training through Southeastern Guide Dogs! He goes back to school April 9th for more training and will eventually be matched with his forever friend! Favorite Food: Socks and paper towel rolls Favorite Things to Do: Eat socks, cuddle, sleep on the job, travel and learn new tricks Most Memorable Adventure: He has been on lots of adventures! He toured Savannah, went to a outdoor lodge in Swainsboro, GA and flew to Western New York twice! He was able to meet his 4 lab cousins, see the pretty fall leaves and experience snow for the first time (he had no clue what to do so he just kind of slid on it)! More on Charlie: Not All Heroes Wear Capes
Lily (the OG)

Mom: Natalie, Marketing Manager Breed: Mini Goldendoodle Age: Will be 3 years old in April… bring on the pup-cakes! Favorite Things to Do: She loves playing with her tennis ball, sleeping in, chasing squirrels, climbing on furniture (that she’s not allowed on) and snuggling with her mom and dad Most Memorable Adventure: That one time she jumped on the dining room table when she was home alone... or so she thought... until she heard her mom say "Lily! Down!!"... Natalie has a puppy cam she can talk through on her phone so she occasionally checks in on her throughout the day! Fun facts: Lily likes to sing along to fire truck sirens and gets really grumpy when she’s sleepy!

Mom: Katie, Art Director Breed: Cockapoo Age: Just turned 5! Favorite Things to Do: Kosher likes to help Katie proof the catalog... she works for treats! Most Memorable Adventure: The everyday things like hanging out on the beach and sitting on pool floats lounging the day away with the girls. Fun fact: She was born on the day Katie's grandma passed away.

Mom: Brittany, Graphic Artist Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier (part-time teddy bear) Fun fact: He grew up in the NL office. Oh and he has an instagram! @hueywagsalot Hobby: Finding the best and biggest stick!
Lily (the 2nd)

Mom: Morgan, E-commerce Specialist Breed: Maltese and Shitzu mix (AKA Malshi) Fun Facts: She was a Christmas surprise! She's also semi Instafamous, kind of like Taylor Swift. ;) Check out her Insta @lilythemalshi. Basic Info: What she lacks in size, she makes up in sass and love... her tongue is always sticking out!

Dad: Brian, System Administrator Breed: Golden Retriever Age: Just celebrated his 3rd birthday last week! Favorite Things: He loves people over everything else and wants to be everyone’s best friend. In a close second to humans, is his love for fetch. He does not discriminate when it comes to a fetch partner. If you come to visit, chances are Jake will bring you a ball. If you get suckered in by his adorable little face and throw it, just go ahead and cancel any plans for the next 45 minutes because he just made a new best friend who’s arm will wear out long before he does

Mom (puppysitter): Brittany, Key Account Manager Breed: Miniature Poodle Mix Fav Food: Carrots Favorite quote: “Work Hard, Play Hard” & “Enjoy the
Little Things”
Rick & Ruby

Mom: Adrienne, Product Development Specialist Age: Rick is 11 (we think) and Ruby is almost 3 Basic Info: Ruby is named after the iconic FSU building – Ruby Diamond Fun Facts: Rick’s full name is Rick James, but she likes to call him Richard because he is gentleman. Ruby is the 6th goldie girl to be a part of our family, she loves to sit with me when I do my paintings Favorite Saying: Do you want to go outside? Don't have a special dog but have a special dog lover in your life? They'll LOVE these!