Each year we donate to this awesome non-profit, Operation Christmas Child, with the help of our friend, Delight! She sent us a super-sweet email and photos of items that will help SO many kids in need! See below!! “With your help, we have just completed 125 shoeboxes for severely impoverished children around the world and wanted you to see how significant your contributions were to this labor of love. CNBC has just named Operation Christmas Child one of the TOP 10 CHARITIES CHANGING THE WORLD of 2015 (http://www.cnbc.com/2015/12/01/the-top-10-charities-changing-the-world-in-2015.html?slide=6) and you are a big part of that!! Many of these young recipients have no running water, or heat or a school to attend or parents or safety or love. Many have never received a gift in their lives. Some camp out on trash heaps and call it home. But now, at least 125 of these children have not been overlooked, thanks to your generosity and open hand. We are humbled by your kindness and thank you so much for making these boxes possible. We could not have done it without you. We hope you enjoy the photo album we compiled for you – we wanted to make you feel like you were there! We will never know what it means to even one child to receive your gifts – but we have all benefited from unprecedented kindness in our own lives – and tell the stories to this day of those who have changed our lives. Thank you for sharing so selflessly with these children and may you continue to flourish and prosper in your work and also in your private lives and may God smile on you as He has us for knowing you! Merry Christmas!”