Sweet thank you card from Camille
Sweet thank you card from Camille
Messages from our customers fuel our passion for making Natural life treasures that bring hope & happiness to people. This card we received today especially touched our heart! Camille intimately shared details from a difficult year and how Natural Life, through our Chirps and treasures we make, have brought joy, love and positivity to her family. I can’t help but point out her beautiful handwriting as well! :)
“I always delight in your products. I have sent gifts to my mother, daughters, sisters, granddaughters and daughter-in-law as well as myself. Each gift package has been welcomed with eagerness, joy, tenderness and some tears of love. I appreciate your morning Chirps, positive outlook and the ease of your online site”. - Camille Parades
You make the world a better place artisan vase. Gift for mom. Gift for Friend. Gift for sister. Gift for daughter in law

We just had to share this special card we got today in the mail!